Welcome to my series of writeups for n00bzunit3d 2024 capture-the-flag competition. In this post, we look at Rev/vacation. The challenge gives us a .ps1 Windows powershell cmdlet file and an output.txt file. Let’s see what’s in them.


$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes((cat .\flag.txt))
[System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]]$newBytes = @()
    $newBytes.Add($_ -bxor 3)
$newString =  [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($newBytes)
echo $newString | Out-File -Encoding ascii .\output.txt



Looking at run.ps1 we see that it reads flag.txt as ascii characters and XORs each byte with 3and then stores the output in output.txt. XOR is a reversible operation. XORing each byte of the output with 3 should give us back the original flag. We ran the same script and pasted the output in our own flag.txt and the flag was present in output.txt.