Robot Shooter

A third person shooting game with robots


This was a quick game we made as a demo for a workshop. Then we taught people with no game development experience how to make this in day. You play as a robot and shoot other robots to get points. Game ends when you take 3 points of damage. View the complete code is on GitHub.

Key Features

  • Custom Assets
  • Third Person Camera
  • Randomised Enemy spawns
  • Pause Feature



You control the robot in the middle and fire bullets at enemy robots. Maximum of 3 robots spawn at a time.
The health is reflected at the top left of the screen. You can take 2 points of damage before you die and the game ends.
Pressing the escape key at anytime pauses the game and opens the pause menu. You can restart of end the game from here.
After the player dies, the game over screen pops up. The player can restart the game or quit from here.