Tarun Ayyagari

Masters in Computer Science


Hi! Welcome to my website. I’m Tarun Ayyagari, a computer science enthusiast. I’m from Hyderabad, India. This website is where I post my thoughts, projects and other fun and interesting computer science related topics.


I’m interested in pretty much all things computer science ranging from theoretical computer science to latest tech updates. I specialize in Computer Security and Game Development. They are somewhat disjointed fields so I’m always looking for ways to bring them together. If you are interested in either (or both) of these fields, reach out and we can get in touch!

selected publications

  1. Network Alchemy
    Attacking Connection Tracking Frameworks as used by Virtual Private Networks
    Benjamin Mixon-Baca, Jeffrey Knockel, Diwen Xue, Tarun Ayyagari, and 3 more authors
    Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies Jul 2024
  2. Sbox with CA & RL
    Exploring Lightweight S-boxes Using Cellular Automata and Reinforcement
    T. Ayyagari, A. Saji, A. John, and J. Jose
    Aug 2022